Schedule Plan

  • Day 1 19 Nov 2023
  • Day 2 20 Nov 2023
  • Day 3 21 Nov 2023
  • Day 4 22 Nov 2023
Day 1 | 19 Nov 2023 | Sunday
Start End Duration Session 1 (PRIME Asia) Session 2 (PRIME Asia)
8:30 9:00 0:30 Welcome/Registration
9:00 9:30 0:30 Opening Session
9:30 11:00 1:30 T1: Why Standards Matter: Impact and Importance of IEEE Standards
Srikanth Chandrasekaran, Sr. Director, IEEE
T2: Machine Learning in EDA Tool Development: An FPGA Based Study
Dinesh Bhatia, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
11:00 11:30 0:30 Tea / Coffee Break
11:30 13:00 1:30 T3: Design-For-Manufacturability for Nano-Scale CMOS Technology
Yongfu Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
T4: Selecting the Right Topology of Voltage Regulators for Your System
Qadeer Khan, IIT Madras
13:00 14:00 1:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:30 1:30 T5: Multi-channel Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converters Without Reset
AshwinKumar Ramakrishnan Sivakumar, IIT Kanpur and Nagendra Krishnapura, IIT Madras
T6: A Reliable and Robust Framework for Accurate Timing Sign-Off with Reduced Design Margin of Digital Integrated Circuits
Anand Bulusu, IIT Roorkee
15:30 16:00 0:30 Tea / Coffee Break
16:00 17:30 1:30 Industry Tutorial 1 Industry Tutorial 2
17:30 18:00 0:30 Tutorials Closing Ceremony
Start End Duration Session 1 (5th Floor) Session 2 (5th Floor) Session 3 (6th Floor) Location
Day 2 | 20 Nov 2023 | Monday
8:30 9:00 0:30 Welcome/Registration Ground Floor
9:00 10:00 1:00 Inauguration Ceremony
Shri. Ajay Kumar |Distinguished Professor, IIT Kanpur (Former Defence Secretary, Govt. of India)
Dr. Reiner Jumpertz | Senior Vice-President and General Manager, ams OSRAM
5th Floor
10:00 10:30 0:30 Keynote Talk: Five Cyber Security Woes That Threaten Digital India and Proposed Action Plan to Deal with Them
Shri. Ajay Kumar | Distinguished Professor, IIT Kanpur (Former Defence Secretary, Govt. of India)
10:30 11:00 0:30 Keynote Talk: Optical Sensors Seeing the Unseen and Beyond
Dr. Reiner Jumpertz | Senior Vice-President and General Manager, ams OSRAM
11:00 11:30 0:30 Inauguration of Exhibition, Tea / Coffee Break Ground Floor
11:30 12:30 1:00 Panel Discussion: Accelerating Innovation in Indian Semiconductor Eco-system
Rajesh Gupta | Country Head, Sr. Director, ams OSRAM
Sarat Vetcha | Director EP SW R&D, NXP
Manish Hooda | Head Technology Development Division, SCL Mohali
Jatinder Singh | Senior Business Development Manager, IMEC
Alex James | Professor, Digital University Kerala (Moderator)
5th Floor
12:30 13:00 0:30 Celebration: 75 Years of CASS
Amara Amara | CASS Past President
Yoshifumi Nishio | Tokushima University, Japan
Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani | Education Committee Chair, IEEE
PA Govindcharulu | Director, Manjeera Digital Systems
Preet Yadav | R & D SoC Technical Program Manager, NXP
13:00 13:50 0:50 Lunch Break Ground Floor
13:50 15:30 1:40 Technical Papers Session: 1A
Analog and Mixed Signal Design

Session Chair: Anand Bulusu | IIT Roorkee

Invited Talk: Performance and Reliability Analysis of a Stacked Nanosheet/Forksheet for Device Circuit Co-design
Sudeb Dasgupta | Professor, IIT Roorkee

Technical Papers Session: 1B
Neuromorphic Circuits
Session Chair: Dinesh Bhatia | UT Dallas
62: Energy Efficient DSHE based Analogue Multiply Accumulate Computing Crossbar Architecture
[Sandeep Soni (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Gaurav Verma (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Alok Kumar Shukla (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Brajesh Kumar Kaushik (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)]
Technical Papers Session: 1C
Digital Circuit Design & System Architecture
Session Chair: Rajesh Zele | IIT Bombay
58: FPGA Implementation of Inversion in Galois Field Over GF(2^m) with FLT and ITA using Quad Blocks
[Vemanaboina Vamsi (IIT-BHU); Kishor Prabhakar Sarawadekar (IIT-BHU)]
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
95: A Double Cross-Coupled Delay Cell for High-Frequency Differential Ring VCOs
[Mayank Kumar Singh (Indian Institute Of Technology Ropar); Manish Kumar Gautam (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar); Puneet Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar); Raja Sekhar Nagulapalli (Oxford Brookes University Wheatley Campus Oxford, United Kingdom); Devarshi Mrinal Das (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar); Mahendra Sakare (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar)]
90: Energy Efficient Memristor-based Subtractors and Comparator for In-Memory Computing in MAGIC
[Nandit Kaushik (Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi); Srinivasu Bodapati]
71: An FPGA based Accelerator of the Bi-directional Wavefront Algorithm for Pairwise Sequence Alignment
[Ajay S (Indian Institute of Science); Praveen V S (Indian Institute of Science); Kuruvilla Varghese (Indian Institute of Science)]
130: A 17 GHz Output PLL-Based Frequency Doubler with -60dBc Fundamental Spur
Soumith Kusumanchi (IIT Madras, Texas Instruments India); Srinivas Theertham (Texas Instruments India); Arpan Thakkar (Texas Instruments India); Nagendra Krishnapura (IIT Madras)
195: 3.6- pJ /spike, 30-Hz Silicon Neuron Circuit in 0.5-V, 65 nm CMOS for Spiking Neural Networks
[Srikanth Vuppunuthala (Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar); Vijay Shankar Pasupureddi (Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar)]
88: Ternary Systolic Array Architecture for Matrix Multiplication in CNFET-Memristor Technology
[Srinivasu bodapati; Shivani Thakur (IIT Mandi)]
179: Settling Time Reduction in a Phase-Locked Loop using Pre-emphasis
Sumit Kumar (IIT Madras); Nagendra Krishnapura (IIT Madras)
258: A Bio-Inspired CMOS Circuit for the Excitation and Inhibition of Neuronal Oscillators
[BharathKumarSingh Muralidhar (Christian-Albrechts-UniversitätzuKiel); Bakr Al Beattie (Ruhr-University Bochum); Max Uhlmann (IHP - Leibniz-Institut fur innovative Mikroelektronik); Karlheinz Ochs (Ruhr-University Bochum); Gerhard Kahmen (IHP - Leibniz-Institut fur innovative Mikroelektronik); Robert Rieger (University of Kiel)]
120: A 1-kb Sub-1 fJ/b per Access CAM Design Using 40-nm CMOS Process
[Ralph Gerard B. Sangalang (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Wei-Zhen Chen (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Chua-Chin Wang (National Sun Yat-Sen University)]
194: A 1-6 GHz, Sub-mW Self-Aligned Quadrature Phase Clock Generator in 1.2 V, 65 nm CMOS
Raviteja Kammari (Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar); Sarvesh Rajesh Tuckely (Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar); Vijay Shankar Pasupureddi (Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar)
64: Investigation of Voltage Fault Injection Attacks on NN Inference Utilizing NVM based Weight Storage
[Supriya Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Tamoghno Das (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Manan Suri (IIT-Delhi)]
159: True Random Number Generator implemented in ReRAM Crossbar based on static stochasticity of ReRAMs.
[Tanay Patni (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus); Abhijit Pethe (BITS Pilani)]
15:30 16:00 0:30 Tea / Coffee Break Ground Floor
16:00 16:30 0:30 Keynote Talk: A Stochastic Computing Approach to Low Latency, High Efficiency Accelerators for Edge ML Applications
Sudhakar Pamarti | Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
5th Floor
16:30 17:00 0:30 Keynote Talk: On-chip Spectral Imaging: Enabling Novel Applications for a Brighter Future
Wouter Charle | Program Manager, IMEC
Start End Duration Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Location
Day 3 | 21 Nov 2023 | Tuesday
8:30 9:00 0:30 Welcome/Registration Ground Floor
9:00 9:30 0:30 Keynote Talk: Continuous-Time Pipelined Converters- Where Filtering Meets Anlog-to-Digital Conversion
Shanthi Pavan | NT Alexander Institute Chair Professor, IIT Madras
5th Floor
9:30 10:00 0:30 Keynote Talk: Circuits and Systems: How Smart is Smart and How Safe is Safe?
Girishankar Gurumurthy | Deputy Directory, Technology - Compute and Artificial Intelligence Group, MediaTek
10:00 10:30 0:30 Tea / Coffee Break and Poster Session 1* Ground Floor
10:30 11:30 1:00 Industry Forum (PRIME Asia)

Session Chair: Preet Yadav | NXP

Research Driven Cybersecurity: DSCI’s Perspective
Teja Chintalapati | Senior Program Manager, DSCI

Wireless Technologies and the Growth of Digitalization
Venkatesh Narasimhan | Silicon Labs
Technical Papers Session: 2B (PRIME Asia)
Late Breaking Category
Session Chair: Kala S | IIT Kottayam
5: An Innovative Write Circuitry for Enhancing a 3nm L1 Cache Performance Across Wide DVFS Range [Sandipan Sinha (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.); Manish Trivedi (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.); Jaswinder Singh Sidhu (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.); Sriharsha Enjapuri (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.); Deepesh Gujjar (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.); Ramesh Halli (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.); Girishankar Gurumurthy (Mediatek Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.)]
Technical Papers Session: 2C (PRIME Asia)
Special Session
Session Chair: Sim Narasimha | Stanford University
30: FPGA-targeted optimization approaches for SVM and CNN human activity recognition models using the HARTH and HAR70+ datasets [Ramona Rajagopalan (University of the Philippines Diliman); Ian Palabasan (University of the Philippines Diliman); Maria Theresa De Leon (University of the Philippines Diliman); John Richard Hizon (University of the Philippines Diliman); Marc Rosales (University of the Philippines Diliman); Jean Marriz Manzano (University of the Philippines Diliman)]
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
16: A correlation based adaptation (CBA) for Efficient Implementation of Golomb-Rice Encoding [Vijay Joshi (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology); Soham Maiti (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology); Savio Sebastian (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology); Dr. J Sheeba Rani (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology); Dipika Simeria (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology)] 33: A 4-kHz per °C High Linearity On-chip Temperature Sensor Implemented Using 40-nm CMOS Process [Ralph Gerard Bolina Sangalang (Batangas State University and National Sun Yat-Sen University); Chi-Lin Lee (National Sun Yat-Sen University); You-Wei Shen (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Celso Bastion Co (Batangas State University); Chua-Chin Wang (National Sun Yat-Sen University)]
20: A 35 pW, 19.23 ppm/◦C Dual Self-Regulated CMOS Voltage Reference for Energy Autonomous IoT Devices [Raghav Bansal (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Sweta Tripathi (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Shouri Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)] 34: A 9-bit 2MS/s Set-and-Down Monotonic SAR ADC in 22nm-FDSOI for MEMS-based Thermoelectric Sensor Readout Circuit [Maria Sophia C. Ralota (University of the Philippines Diliman); Arcel Leynes (University of the Philippines Diliman); Maria Theresa G. de Leon (University of the Philippines Diliman)]
26: Digital Background Calibration Technique to Mitigate Vertical FPN in CMOS Image Sensors [Bibhudutta Satapathy (Indian institute of technology, jodhpur); Pratham chaurasia (Indian institute of technology , jodhpur); Amandeep Kaur (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur)]  
40: Enhancing Linearity and Efficiency in Multi-Bit MAC Computation for Convolution in DNNs Using SRAM Array [VINOD PATHLOTH (Deputy Manager, Tube Investments of India); Kavitha Soundra pandiyan (Research scholar); Bhupendra Singh Reniwal (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur)]  
11:30 13:10 1:40 Industry Forum (PRIME Asia)

Session Chair: A G. Krishna Kanth | amsOSRAM

CXL Memory Use Case for Data Center SSD Application
Rajesh Maruti Bhagwat | Sr. Technical Manager, Micron

ASIC Advanced Packaging and Test
Peter Dirks | Asic Project Manager, IMEC

Differentiation with RISC-V processors in Edge-Computing
Sourav Roy, Fellow, NXP
Technical Papers Session: 4B
IoT, Intelligent Circuits and Systems
Session Chair: Harini Kandadai | ams OSRAM
175: TinyRadar for Gesture Recognition: A Low-power System for Edge Computing
[Dileep Kankipati (IISc, Bangalore); Madhu Munasala (IISc, Bangalore); Nikitha Sai Dasari (IISc, Bangalore); Satyapreet Yadav (Indian Institute of Science); Sandeep Rao (Texas Instruments, Bangalore); Chetan Singh Thakur (IISc, Bangalore)]
Technical Papers Session: 4C
Digital Circuit Design & System Architecture

Session Chair: Qadeer Khan | IIT Madras

Invited Talk: Towards AGI Chips - Why, What and How
Alex James | Professor, Digital University Kerala
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
219: Novel Label Flipping Dataset Poisoning Attack Against ML-based HT Detection Systems
[Richa Sharma (Ph.D scholar, ABV-IIITM, Gwalior); G.K. Sharma (ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, India); Manisha Pattanaik (ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, India)]
246: Power-Efficient Approximate Multipliers Leveraging Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Paradigm
[Monika Pokharia (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar); Ravi Sadanand Hegde (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar); Joycee M. Mekie (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar)]
227: LOKI: A Secure FPGA Prototyping of IoT IP with Lightweight Logic Locking
[Jugal Gandhi (AcSIR at CSIR-CEERI); Diksha Shekhawat (AcSIR at CSIR-CEERI); M. Santosh (CSIR-CEERI); Jai Gopal Pandey (CSIR-CEERI)]
255: ABB Assisted Area Efficient Vernier Delay Line Time-to-Digital Converter for Low voltage Application
[Ravi Singh (IIT Roorkee); Lomash Chandra Acharya (IIT Roorkee); Mahipal Dargupally (IIT Roorkee); Neha Gupta (IIT Roorkee); Neeraj Mishra (IIT ROORKEE); Lalit Dani (GlobalFoundries); Nilotpal Sarma (IIT Roorkee); Devesh Dwivedi (GlobalFoundries); Sudeb Dasgupta (Professor, IIT Roorkee); Anand Bulusu (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)]
231: Power Efficient Hardware Fingerprint: Exploiting Process-Variations in A Quasi-Planar 14nm FinFET
[Jyoti Patel (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Govind Sharma (NIT, Uttarakhand); Chitraja Rajan (Shree Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra); Vivek Kumar (NIT Uttarakhand & IIT Roorkee); Sudeb Dasgupta (Professor, IIT Roorkee)]
262: An Efficient Standard Cell Design Methodology by Exploiting Body Biasing and Poly Biasing in FDSOI for NTV Regime
[Mahipal Dargupally (IIT Roorkee); Lomash Chandra Acharya (Indian Institute of technology,roorkee); Khoirom Johnson Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Neha Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Arvind Sharma (IMEC); Sudeb Dasgupta (Professor, IIT Roorkee); Anand Bulusu (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)]
93: Passive RF Resonant Receiver with Voltage Gain for Wireless Power Transfer System
[Vikas Kumar (IIT Delhi); Santosh Parajuli (CARE, IIT Delhi); Shivansh Awasthi (CARE, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Gayatri Ranade (Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, University at Buffalo NewYork, USA); Kartik Tyagi (Centre for Applied Research in Electronics (CARE, IIT Delhi); Saheli Roy Chowdhury (CARE, IIT Delhi); Rahul Jaiswal (CARE, IIT Delhi); Thomas George Thundat (Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, University at Buffalo NewYork, USA); Ankur Gupta (Centre for Applied Research in Electronics (CARE), IIT Delhi)]
274: Reinforcement learning based Prefetch-Control Mechanism
[Soma Ghosh (Malaviya National Institute of Technology)]
13:10 14:00 0:50 WiCAS : Networking, Design Contest Demonstration (Ground Floor) & Lunch Break (5th Floor) 5th Floor
14:00 15:40 1:40 Women in Circuits and Systems
(WiCAS) Forum

Session Chair: Harini Kandadai | ams OSRAM

Sumedha Limaye | Vice President of Engineering, Intel
Usha Gogineni | Director, ams OSRAM
Vijayalatha | IEEE
Yarlagadda Padma Sai | IEEE

Technical Papers Session: 3B
Circuits & Systems for DSP, AI & Deep Learning

Session Chair: Nagendra Krishnapura | IIT Madras

42: Digital to Pulse Converter for Analog in Memory Compute Applications [Sanmitra Naik (Globalfoundries Engineering Pvt. Ltd.); Asif Iqbal (GlobalFoundries Engineering Private Limited)]
Technical Papers Session: 3C
Digital Circuit Design & System Architecture

Session Chair: Santhosh Sivasubramani | IEEE

178: CAWPR: Contention Aware Write Preemptive Management Policy for Hybrid Last Level Caches
[Swatilekha Majumdar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)]
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
73: SPARCI: Sparse Acceleration of RISC-V-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Inference using Winograd Transformation [Shabirahmed Jigalur (NATIONAL YANG MING CHIAO TUNG UNIVERSITY); Chang-Ling Tsai (NATIONAL YANG MING CHIAO TUNG UNIVERSITY); Yu-Chi Shih (NATIONAL YANG MING CHIAO TUNG UNIVERSITY); Yen-Cheng Kuan (NATIONAL YANG MING CHIAO TUNG UNIVERSITY)] 180: Harnessing Hybrid Clock Tree Topology to Boost PPA in Highly Utilized Designs
[Pallapu Lakshmi Sarvaani (IIT Tirupati); A Subba Ramkumar reddy (Intel India Pvt Ltd); Vikram Kumar Pudi (IIT Tirupati)]
76: Bit-Flip Attack Detection for Secure Sparse Matrix Computations on FPGA [Noble G (Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam, Kerala, India); Nalesh S (Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India); Kala S (Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam)] 209: All Digital Minimum Energy Point Detection for Ultra Low Power CMOS Circuits
[Purvi Patel (DAIICT); Biswajit Mishra (DAIICT Gandhinagar)]
101: Multi Bit Compute in memory architecture using a C-2C ladder network [Jaya Kumar Abotula (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Dinesh Kushwaha (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Rajat Kohli (NXP Semiconductors); Jwalant Mishra (NXP Semiconductors); Sudeb Dasgupta (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Anand Bulusu (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)] 215: Efficient Hardware Design of Parameterized Posit Multiplier and Posit Adder
[Sadhu Sai Ram (Indian Institute of Science); Kuruvilla Varghese (Indian Institute of Science)]
157: A Low-Power Charge-Domain Bit-Scalable Readout System for Fully-Parallel Computing-in-Memory Accelerators [Jun Liu (Xidian University); Fuyi Li (Xidian University); Rui Xiao (Zhejiang University); Kejie Huang (Zhejiang University); Yongfu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Hao Yu (Southern University of Science and Technology); Wei Mao (Xidian University)] 225: Design and Characterization of Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA) based Optimized Circuits for Emerging Technologies
[Sourav Karmakar (IIIT Hyderabad); Anshu Sarje (IIIT Hyderabad); Aftab Hussain (IIIT Hyderabad)]
15:40 16:10 0:30 WiCAS : Networking & Tea / Coffee Break and Poster Session 2* Ground Floor
16:10 17:10 1:00 WiCAS Panel Discussion: Diversity and Inclusion in Circuits & Systems for Emerging Technologies
Usha Gogineni | Director, ams OSRAM
Sumedha Limaye | Vice President of Engineering, Intel
Y. Vijayalatha | IEEE
Yarlagadda Padma Sai | IEEE
Preet Yadav | R & D SoC Technical Program Manager, NXP (Moderator)
5th Floor
17:10 17:30 0:20 Networking Break Ground Floor
17:30 19:30 2:00 Awards Ceremony & Cultural Evening
Chief Guest: Hitesh Garg | Vice President & India Country Manager, NXP Semiconductor
7th Floor
19:30 21:00 1:30 Gala Dinner 5th Floor
Start End Duration Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Location
Day 4 | 22 Nov 2023 | Wednesday
9:00 9:30 0:30 Welcome/Registration  
9:30 10:00 0:30 Keynote Talk
Dr.Venu Kandadai | Founder and CEO, Manjeera Digital Systems
5th Floor
10:00 11:00 1:00 Panel Discussion: Industry-Academia Collaboration for the Future Semiconductor Challenges
Sanjay Churiwala | Corporate Vice President, AMD
S. Ramachandran | Vice-Chancellor, Anurag University
PA Govindcharulu | Director, Manjeera Digital Systems
Srinivas Rao Mahankali | CEO, T-Hub
Krishna Kanth | Director, ams OSRAM (Moderator)
11:00 11:40 0:40 IEEE CASS Young Professionals : Tea / Coffee Break and Poster Session 3* Ground Floor
11:40 13:20 1:40 IEEE CASS Young Professional: Talk on CAS Education Initiatives

Session Chair: Chakradhar Adupa | SR University

Ahmad Salahuddin Bin Mohd Harithuddin | Universiti Putra Malaysia
Preet Yadav | R & D SoC Technical Program Manager, NXP
Alex James | Professor, Digital University Kerala
PA Govindacharulu | Director, Manjeera Digital Systems
Vibhu | IEEE YP, IIT Roorkee
Narendra Dhakad | IEEE YP, IIT Indore
Technical Papers Session: 5B
Sensory & Biomedical Circuits and Systems

Session Chair: Shiv Govind Singh | IIT Hyderabad

99: Comparative Analysis of SPAD Equivalent Models for Low-Light Imaging [Harshith Nimmagadda (IIIT Hyderabad); Anshu Sarje (IIIT Hyderabad)]
Technical Papers Session: 5C
RF an Analog Techniques

Session Chair: N. Venkatesh | Silicon Labs

49: A 197 dBc/Hz FoMT 24.8-28.97 GHz Class-F VCO using Single-Turn Multi-Tap Inductor
[Anik Batabyal (IIT Bombay); Rajesh Zele (IIT Bombay)]
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
149: A High-impedance 3-MOSFET Pseudo-resistor for Biomedical Amplifiers [Feng Yan (Sun Yat-Sen University); Kangkang Sun (Sun Yat-Sen University); Zhipeng Li (Sun Yat-Sen University); Jian Guan (Sun Yat-Sen University); Bingjun xiong (Sun Yat-Sen University); Jingjing Liu (Sun Yat-Sen University)] 134: Analysis of Switched-RC N-path filters with Finite Switch Resistance and Switched Gm-C filters using the Adjoint Network
[Endersh Soni (Indian Institute of Technology , Roorkee); Saravana Manivannan (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)]
100: Implementation and Comparative Analysis of flexible Micro-Heater Circuits for Lab-on-a-chip Applications [Vikranth Varma Kosuri (IIIT Hyderabad); Anjali Singh (IIIT Hyderabad); Anshu Sarje (IIIT Hyderabad)] 166: A Low-Loss, Compact Wideband True-Time-Delay Line for Sub-6GHz Applications using N-Path Filters
163: Deep Learning Based Portable Respiratory Sound Classification System [Adithya Sunil Edakkadan (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad); Abhishek Srivastava (IIIT Hyderabad)] 256: Modified Gm-Free Assisted Opamp Technique in Continuous Time Delta Sigma Modulators
[Sayan Banerjee (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi); Ankesh Jain (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)]
165: Smartphone-based Portable Blood Parameter Sensing using Machine Learning [Sangeeta Palekar (Research Scholar); Jayu Kalambe (Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering)] 20: A Self-Biased Subthreshold CMOS Voltage Reference With Temperature Compensation Circuit For IoT Self-powered Sensor Applications
[Yuxuan Huang (Sun Yat-Sen University); Feng Yan (Sun Yat-Sen University); Kangkang Sun (Sun Yat-Sen University); Jingjing Liu (Sun Yat-Sen University)]
13:20 14:20 1:00 IEEE CASS Young Professionals : Networking, Design Contest Demonstration (Ground Floor) & Lunch Break (5th Floor) 5th Floor
14:20 16:00 1:40 Startup Forum (PRIME Asia)
Session Chair: Rajesh Kumar Adla | T-Hub

Rijin John | CEO, Maker Village
Srinivas Rao Mahankali | CEO, T-Hub
Sunil Maddikatla | Founder & CEO, Blue Semi
Venkata Simhadri | CEO, ASIP Tech
R Sai Chandra Teja | COO, Green PMU Semi
Technical Papers Session: 6B
Sensory & Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Session Chair: J.V.R Ravindra | Vardhaman College, India

226: Low Precision Floating Point Spectral Feature Extraction Engine for Closed-loop Neuromodulation
[Poulami Mandal (IIT Bombay); Sagar Mahajan (IIT Bombay); Laxmeesha Somappa (IIT Bombay)]
Technical Papers Session: 6C
ADCs and References

Session Chair: Shanthi Pavan | IIT Madras

121: A 2.6-GHz I/O Buffer for DDR4 & DDR5 SDRAMs in 16-nm FinFET CMOS Process
[Jhih-Ying Ke (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Lean Karlo Santos Tolentino (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Cheng-Yao Lo (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Tzung-Je Lee (National Sun Yat-Sen University); Chua-Chin Wang (National Sun Yat-Sen University)]
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
229: Noise Efficient Three Channel Amplifier for MEMS Cantilever Readout
[Sebastian Simmich (University of Kiel); Patrick Wiegand (University of Kiel); Robert Rieger (University of Kiel)]
4: A 3.38-ppm/°C Voltage Reference for Harsh Environment Applications Empowered by the In-Loop Resistance Trimming Technique
[Haonan Fan (Southeast University); Zhongyuan Fang (Southeast University); Yongjia Li (Southeast University); Qinsong Qian (Southeast University); Xiaozhi Kang (Fusion Semi Ltd., Shanghai); Minggang Chen (Southeast University); Weifeng Sun (Southeast University)]
244: Sensor Node with Position Validation towards Camptocormia Measurement at Home
[Kamran Naderi Beni (University of Kiel); Matthias Christoph Eger (University of Kiel); Nils G. Margraf (University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein); Robert Rieger (University of Kiel)]
158: High-Precision Open-Loop Time Amplifier Using Current Regulator
[Yusuke Toyoshima (KagoshimaUniversity); Ryosuke Kamiya (Kagoshima University); Kenichi Ohhata (Kagoshima University)]
249: Implementation of FFT using Low-Precision Floating Point for Rapid High Precision MEMS Readouts
[Hitesh Kumar Sahu (IIT Bombay); Emon Sarkar (IIT Bombay); Laxmeesha Somappa (IIT Bombay)]
184: A Cryogenic Voltage Regulator with Integrated Voltage Reference in 22 nm FDSOI Technology
[Alfonso Cabrera-Galicia (Forschungszentrum Jülich / ZEA2); Arun Ashok (ForschungszentrumJülich/ZEA2); Patrick Vliex (ForschungszentrumJülich/ZEA2); Andre Kruth (ForschungszentrumJülich/ZEA2); André Zambanini (ForschungszentrumJülich/ZEA2); Stefan van Waasen (ForschungszentrumJülich/ZEA2)]
251: Efficient CORDIC Architectures for FFT Based All Digital Resonator Frequency Estimation
[Pushkar Sathe (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay); Ajay Verma (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay); Laxmeesha Somappa (IIT Bombay)]
167: A Robust Overdesign Prevention Circuit Technique Under Widely Varying Ambient Conditions
[Mayank Anupam (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur); Imon Mondal (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur)]

197: A novel architecture with nullified parasitic capacitance for accurate FuSa detection
[Anup Deka (Intel); Biswarup Rana (Intel); Shuvoshree Bhattacharya (Intel)]
16:00 16:30 0:30 Tea / Coffee Break and Poster Session 4* Ground Floor
16:30 17:50 1:20 Technical Papers Session: 7A
Analog and Power Management

Session Chair: Ashudeb Dutta | IIT Hyderabad

78: A Novel Low-Power Shift-Register Controller for Digital Low-Dropout Regulators
[Kartikay Tripathi (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); Madhav Pathak (IOWA State University); Sanjeev Manhas (IIT Roorkee); Anand Bulusu (IIT Roorkee)]
Technical Papers Session: 7B
Sensory & Biomedical Circuits and Systems

Session Chair: JVR Ravindra | Vardhaman College

265: Efficient Dilution of a Fluid from its Related Arbitrary Stock Solutions using MEDA Biochips
[Surya Naga Aditya V. Dupukuntla (IIT Roorkee, India); Koushik Sai Nimmaturi (IIT Roorkee, India); Tamal Mandal (IIT Roorkee, India); Sathwik Abramoni (IIT Roorkee, India); Sudip Roy (IIT Roorkee)]
Technical Papers Session: 7C
Signal Processing and CAD

Session Chair: PA Govindacharulu | Manjeera Digital Systems

202: Sub-nanosecond Delay High Voltage Level Shifter in 0.18μm HV-CMOS Technology for Cryo-Cooler Electronics
[Nishant Kumar (SpaceApplicationsCentre); Hari Shanker Gupta (Space Applications Centre); Nihar Mohapatra (Associate Professor); Nilesh M. Desai (Space Applications Centre)]
Session 1 & 2: 5th Floor
Session 3: 6th Floor
148: A 95-nA quiescent-current fast-transient output-capacitor-less LDO with enhanced load regulation for IoT applications.
[Raghav Bansal (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Shouri Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)]
266: An 8-Channel TDM Spectral Feature Extraction for Neuromodulation SoC
[K Akhilesh Rao (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay); Laxmeesha Somappa (IIT Bombay)]
214: Exploiting Node Level Algorithm Diversity for Distributed Compressed Sensing
[Ketan Bapat (IIT Kharagpur); Mrityunjoy Chakraborty (IIT Kharagpur)]
  191: Large Network of Wide-Range Analog Voltage Observers for Debug & Testability
[Tapas Nandy (Intel Corporation); Ashish Joshi (Intel Corporation); Sanjoy Kumar Dey (Intel Corporation)]
105: V2Va: An Efficient Verilog-to-Verilog-A Translator for Accelerated Mixed-Signal Simulation
[Yicong Shao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Chao Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Wangzilu Lu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Zhiwen Gu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Longfan Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Jiajie Huang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yuhang Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Wei Mao (Hangzhou Institute of Technology, Xidian University, Hangzhou, China); Yongfu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)]
    39: A Transient-Enhanced Capacitor-Less LDO With 30-MHz Bandwidth and High Slew Rate
[Wangchen Fan (Southeast University, Nanjing, China); Zhongyuan Fang (Southeast University); Yongjia Li (Southeast University, Nanjing, China); Minggang Chen (Southeast University); Weifeng Sun (Southeast University, Nanjing, China)]
17:50 18:20 0:30 Networking Break & Conference Closing Ceremony 5th Floor